Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Esco Bound

Kellye's mom's place + my place + my parents place = tons of stuff that has to be moved into


We've been blessed mightily and will be living in Escondido. It's all been made possible because of the Fikses, the Powells, the Bojos, the Mama (Sharon), and God's willingness to give us more than we deserve. We're looking forward to having all our loved over to enjoy the new space with us (though not at the same time).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Us...

Click here for our signature book and engagement photos.

A huge thanks to Julie for taking the photos!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Visit to the County Clerk

An important detail has been taken care of. We now have a marriage license - nice! We can pretty must just show up and know it'll happen. For the sake of a nice event, maybe that's a dangerous thing. : /

BTW, this is Kellye with no sleep and me with pink eye. I was really sick in this shot, which is why I'm not smooth and shiny like usual.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Random Wedding Schtuff....

Here are some recent images that resulted on wedding plans. It's been a tricky road and we know there's no way we could be doing any of this without so much support from family and friends. We love you all!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Here's one of many images our friend Julie shot for us. She and her hubby, Frank, took us to this cool nearby ranch and we had a great time. Thanks, guys!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

100 days left!

99 days left officially. Yesterday we celebrated with some Sushi with our friends, the Starrs. Today, we're celebrating by enjoying this amazing rain and - ironically - attempting an egagement session with our friend, Julie. It has taken a bit to coordinate a day when we can all get together and wouldn't you know it? Rain. But we love it. We'll work something out. Okay, we're heading out into the wild blue yonder!